- 1987
Below is a selection of e-mails I have recieved about this
web site.
Thanks go out to all who contribute to this web site.
It's nice to know that it is appreciated.
Great to see something on Canterbury Speedway at long last! It is sad seeing the photos from March 2003 but reminds us of the site at Cleveland Park in Middlesbrough. I'm sure if Johnnie Hoskins was alive it would make his stomach churn. What's happening with the land? Is it being redeveloped? What happened to the football club and greyhound track? I went in 1986 and 1987 with Middlesbrough and loved the place but once the greyhound track was constructed the speedway track was so narrow you could so what was going to happen. Didn't Wally Mawdesley jump ship and become a director of the greyhound stadium? That must have been the final insult to the Crusaders supporters Regards Steve Harland. |
What a great web site, have very fond memories of Canterbury Speedway, had rides in second half and managed to get in the team for 5 meetings in 1975. I also remember that because the meetings had to be finished by 9pm you weren't allowed to stay down injured on the track for very long. I also remember after traveling down from Ipswich arriving at the Stadium and going into Johnny Hoskins hut for a cup of tea. I still remember sitting in the hut with torrents of rain coming down with Johnny answering the phone to supporters wondering if the match was still on, "Still on" he said "the sun is out and it's a lovely evening here, of course it's on" what lovely man he was. I have still got two letters that he sent me giving me advice on my riding and I treasure them. At the time the pit marshal was Bob Beanie I believe, Would love to know were Alan Diprose is today we had some really good tussles in our second half races. Have now taken up Cycle Speedway and have been doing it for about five years since my younger son took it up. I suppose I should know better now I'm 53 but I get a great deal of enjoyment out of it, you just don't bounce so well as you get older. Final memory was after the meeting was over we used to meet at the Gate Café on the way out of Canterbury. Really made my day finding this site, well done and keep up the good work. Regards Peter Mittell |